In the fall of 1988, Reverend John Engelhardt, his wife Shirley, and three girls moved to Muskego to found an apostolic church. The first service was held on the first Sunday of November in their living room with approximately 15 people attending. Then the church began renting the downstairs rooms of the VFW building which had originally been the "Mucky School" building. Later, in 1993, the church purchased the building from the VFW and began renovations in the upstairs to have a sanctuary and offices with the Sunday School and youth rooms down stairs. The first service held in the sanctuary was Thanksgiving Eve in November of 1993.
In 2006, we purchased adjoining land and increased our property with the intent of future expansion. We continue to offer Sunday School and mid-week classes for all ages, free individual Bible studies, and weekly prayer meetings. Throughout the years, our congregation has participated in community events such as the Muskego Community Festival, National Night Out, Jammin on Janesville and Muskego Jingle on Janesville as well as other Muskego Chamber of Commerce community events.
In recent years we have seen several changes and outgrowth of our congregation such as a church plant started in 2013 in the city of Burlington, WI by
Rev. Steve and Krisann Durnford as well as many moves of God here in Muskego.
In January of 2018, Pastor Engelhardt felt it was time to take a smaller role and retired from being Pastor. He stepped into the role of Bishop and is involved in an advosory role. Rev. Shannon and Hannah Schmidt offically became the Pastor in July 2018.
Under Pastor Schmidt the church has seen new growth and many wonderful moves of God! This November, we will celebrate God's rich blessings from the past 35 years and look forward to His promises as well as continue His work until Jesus returns.